Students from over 80 countries!
We are excited to report that so far students from the following countries have studied at Perfect English IELTS Preparation Centre! The diversity in cultures and traditions truly enhances the overall learning experience of our students and adds to the fun and interest of all the classes.
- Afghanistan
- Albania
- Argentina
- Australia
- Austria
- Bangladesh
- Bhutan
- Bolivia
- Borneo
- Brazil
- Burma
- Cambodia
- Chile
- China
- Colombia
- Cyprus
- Dubai
- Ecuador
- Egypt
- England
- France
- French Polynesia
- Germany
- Greece
- Hong Kong
- India
- Indonesia
- Iran
- Iraq
- Ireland
- Israel
- Italy
- Japan
- Kazakstan
- Kenya
- Kosovo
- Kuwait
- Laos
- Lebanon
- Libya
- Macau
- Macedonia
- Malaysia
- Malta
- Mauritius
- Mongolia
- Myanmar
- Mexico
- Nepal
- Netherlands
- New Caledonia
- New Zealand
- Nigeria
- Pakistan
- Peru
- Philippines
- Portugal
- Qatar
- Romania
- Russia
- Saudi Arabia
- Serbia
- Singapore
- Slovenia
- Somalia
- South Africa
- South Korea
- Spain
- Sri Lanka
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Syria
- Taiwan
- Thailand
- Timor-Leste
- Turkey
- Uganda
- Ukraine
- United Arab Emirates
- Venezuela
- Vietnam
- Zimbabwe